Rev. Marcela Jarman
Associate Pastor
Marcela Jarman is the Associate Pastor of SUMC and assists in outreach, congregational care and Christian education. She regularly presides over weddings and funerals, as well as offering sermons on Sunday morning.
Marcela makes our ministries accessible to our Spanish speaking members by providing the translation of our Sunday message and leading two small groups for Bible Study.
Marcela is originally from Bogota, Colombia, is married with two children and holds a Masters of Divinity from Wesley Theological Seminary. She is currently pursuing ordination as an Elder in the United Methodist Church. A lover of chocolate, her passion for ministry is to interact with others so that she can be a witness to her faith and help others to find Christ in their midst.
Marcela’s favorite Bible verse is 2 Timothy 1:7 (TLA), “Porque el Espíritu de Dios no nos hace cobardes. Al contrario, nos da poder para amar a los demás, y nos fortalece para que podamos vivir una buena vida cristiana.”
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.







Justifying Grace
October 30, 2022