To complete is to finish, accomplish, or attain something. It can be a goal; an idea that is in our mind or a dream that we have had for a while. About 25 years ago I told a friend of mine “I want to learn English” and she said, “Go for it!”  I did not know where to start, but God opened doors and gave me the opportunity to come to the USA. Guess what? I am still trying to complete that dream. There is still so much to learn and perfect but, for the most part, I can do it.

Nike says it well… Just do it!

Complete what you have put in your mind to achieve! As many of you know, I just completed a season of evaluation in which the Virginia Conference of the UMC was making sure that I have all the tools necessary to do ministry in an effective way. It was a long list of requirements, but I can say I finally completed them! Now I strive to continue to improve daily.

Many of you have heard the saying to be perfected in love, which means to be completed in the love of God. How many of us want to accomplish this?? Not many. We are distracted like Martha with the distractions of our daily lives that keep us away from what God wants to give us through Jesus.

Where do we start so that we can be completed and perfected in love? We start at the feet of Jesus, just like Mary did! (Luke 10:39) Spending time with Jesus and not letting anything distract us from completing the task of knowing our Savior.

John Wesley believed, and we as United Methodists believe, that all human beings can be perfected in love. When we accept Christ into our lives we accept the love of God that transforms us and makes us love the way Jesus did: with compassion, justice, mercy, hope and joy.

Wesley spoke about the Way of Salvation, a path from death to life, which is a process in which we can work on our salvation each day of our lives. Christ becomes the way through whom we are completed. Christ must become greater, and we must become less (John 3: 30).

In the scripture passage today, we read about the encounter of Jesus with the woman at the well. Jesus has come to find her, not to drink water! He went out of his way to find her and made her complete. His love for her is as immense as it is for you and me.

This passage reveals that Jesus is seeking ways to meet us where we are in our busyness, in our suffering, in our darkest places. Let Him find us, so that we can receive the water that cleanses and sustains us on this journey of being perfected in love.

Just do it! Accept Christ in your life and let him complete you. Trust him! After you drink from God’s well of Grace, go out like this woman did and tell the world that you know someone who loves you the way you are and is transforming your imperfections because He wants you to be completed and perfected in LOVE!