Sterling United Methodist Church is a church family. We are united by bonds of faith and friendship. Throughout the year we provide opportunities for our family to come together in ways both big and small to celebrate one another through fun, fellowship, shared meals, and laughter. There is always an extra seat at the table. Join us!
Whether it be the Easter Carnival and Egg Hunt, Trunk ‘r Treat, coffee fellowship, these are times we can have fun, learn more about each other, and build stronger relationships.
Opportunities to Serve in Fellowship
Coffee fellowship volunteers set up a light snack of pre-purchased and home-baked goodies, along with beverages, for churchgoers to enjoy before and after worship while fellowshipping with their church family. There are also volunteers to clean up after the discipleship hour. There is always room for another volunteer! Sign up here!
This group helps manage volunteers for the set up/clean up of large receptions. They also help by providing the food/beverage offerings. Participation is requested via sign up genius for specific events. To participate in this vital service to our church, please contact the church office!