Revealed Through Prayer
November 18, 2024
"This season we invite you to remember, release, reimagine and restore your money stories so that we can write the one God is begging us to live into."
Click here to download and print the journal!
(B&W journal pages if you prefer)
Click here to watch a short message from Pastor Bert, where he explains how we will be using the journal this season.
Click here to register for Stewardship Conversations, a weekly offering for the month of November. Join Pastor Bert to reflect on your personal money story, and work through the Stewardship Study Journal as a community.
In this short video, Pastor Bert works through the first week of prompts, poetry and art.
Find your giving on the stairway! If everyone who gives takes one step up in 2024, our generosity would combine and fund our ministries!
Click here to be directed to an online tool to help you calculate your estimate of giving.
Behaviors change when the stories we tell ourselves are transformed. Look for clarity regarding the areas of your money story that hold tension of heaviness. Experience the release that sparks a renewed desire to let your life truly reflect your beliefs about giving. Your estimate of giving then allows our church to plan and budget how it will be able to serve you and others.
Determine what percentage of your income you are currently giving to God and consider taking a step up this year. So if you now give 3% of your income, consider increasing your gift to 4%. Our prayer is that everyone will grow in their generosity and experience the joy and blessings that will overflow from that generosity.
The easiest option for both you and the church is to set up automated donations through the Give Online secure payment portal. This guarantees that the church will receive your gifts on a regular basis. Return your Commitment Card then set up the donation schedule yourself through the portal. For more information or if you need assistance setting up your online giving contact Dana Smedley!
Your acceptance at SUMC is not based on your capacity to give and we know that individual money stories can change at any time. Please return a Commitment Card even if it is a limited financial commitment at this time. You can always increase or decrease your commitment if your situation changes.
Find your giving on the stairway! If everyone who gives takes one step up in 2024, our generosity would combine and fund our ministries!
Click here to register for Stewardship Conversations, a weekly offering for the month of November. Join Pastor Bert to reflect on your personal money story, and work through the Stewardship Study Journal as a community.
Click here to be directed to an online tool to help you calculate your estimate of giving.