Using the word, “see,” has different connotations. We use the word to acknowledge our ability to use our eyes to take in the beauty of the world around us; the vibrant yellow of daffodils, the rose colored sunset, the smile of a baby.

But the word “see” also reflects our ability to understand or “see” some of the intricacies of the social challenges that are around us. We physically see people struggling in poverty, but we also “see” or understand, that perhaps policies that have been implemented with the best of intentions; may have exacerbated the systemic poverty, homelessness, and resulted in the need for more care of those struggling with mental illnesses.

Yet, in addition to using the word, “see” as it relates to eye-sight, we also use that word to acknowledge that we agree with a person’s point of view. You are explaining to me how you came to the conclusion you made. You want me to “see” your point of view.

In the scripture passage, Jesus has healed a man born blind. We can only imagine the man’s joy at finally being able to see. Imagine the possibilities that are now open to him. What will his life be like moving forward? What a cause for celebration!

But not everyone is happy with this outcome. The Pharisees are taking a skeptical look at what occurred; picking apart what has occurred. The Jews didn’t even believe he had been born blind; so this must be some kind of hoax. Neither group could accept that this man’s healed sight was a gift, a blessing, a cause for celebration, and a reason to give thanks to God.

When did you recently “see” the beauty in nature? When have you “seen” a person’s point of view? How has your sight been opened to the needs around you?